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BBC gives too much weight to fringe views on issues such as climate change

A review of the BBC's science coverage has concluded that its drive for impartiality lends too much credence to maverick views on MMR, climate change and GM

Category: Climate Change


Eastern Chinese city braces for flood

More than 40 miles of dykes in Lanxi city close to overflowing, potentially affecting more than 20,000 people.


Britain's hot spring could be result of shrinking Arctic

Melting sea ice could be influencing the movement of jet streams that might normally move high pressure away from UK

Category: Climate Change


Climate to wreak havoc on food supply, predicts report

Areas where food supplies could be worst hit by climate change have been identified in a report.


Are tornadoes more common because of climate change?

Number of tornadoes recorded appears to have increased significantly, but the real answer is no one really knows

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 186 to 190 out of 1185